Meet Our Team!

Hi Guys,
today we'll introduce you to the team members of Desa-Preneur projects and also we have experts as our advisor in our project. :)

Hendriyadi Bahtiar
Project Leader, Financial Literacy Facilitator.

“Born to be a volunteer” is Hendriyadi’s tagline.  Hendriyadi, an alumnus of the Indonesia English Language Study Program (IELSP), is the Co-Founder and President of the Indonesian Youth for Education.  This non-profit organization was created for youth who share a common interest in the development of education in Indonesia.
Hendriyadi is the founder a program named “Sahabat Pulau” (Island Friend).  This program relies on the efforts of Indonesian youth to overcome education problems in Indonesia. The “One Youth for One Children” concept aims to urge the younger generations to contribute to the educational development of children who come from underprivileged families.

In 2007, Hendriyadi was selected as one the recipienst of the CIMB Niaga scholarship grants and he continued his study at Universitas Trisakti in Jakarta.  He then became a member of the Indonesian Student Association for International Studies (ISAFIS), Chairman of Islamic Economic Forum in Trisakti, Chairman of the South Sulawesi Student Association (IKAMI) Jakarta chapter.  And in 2009, he was selected to represent Indonesia in the World Leadership Conference in Singapore and in the Indonesia Canada Youth Exchange Program.  At the end of 2010, Hendriyadi participated in the International Youth Forum in Makassar and the Asia Pacific Youth Climate Camp, in Baguio City, the Philippines.

Teguh Arafah
Research and Development of Education

Teguh Arafah was born on June 15, 1989 in Samaenra, Sulawesi Selatan. In 2007 he done for his school in Darul Abrar Boarding School in Bone regency South Sulawesi then he advanced his study in UIN Alauddin Makasar on 2008, he got scholarship from Religion Department in 4 years, be sides his daily activities in his university, he very active joining some organizations. In 2009 he is on position as The leader of major compilation and general secretary in Faculty Student Executive Board Usluddin and philosophy. In 2012 he with some volunteers in South Sulawesi set up Clean Indonesia Foundation and he active in some organization in his region. In 2012 he done his study in undergraduate. This man who come from Bone regency then advance his magister study ini UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in 2013 with his passion in volunteerism world and organization. Then Teguh joining Sahabat Pulau and hold on his devision as National Coordinator of House of Hope Sahabat Pulau

Muhamad Abdul Karim
Research and Development of Marine potential  and Video Maker.

Muhamad Abdul Karim, usually called by Karim. Taking a part on this project and gather with an amazing people  boosting him to be more active and creative. His passions are working with group and doing some activites in community development. When the idea of  (DESA-Preneur) came out, he feel this is the new way for me to contribute and bring positive impact to the community at the rural and coastal areas in Indonesia  by  Deliver Education, Social and creating Art Preneur .
He had experience working on ommunity Development since 2010 and also had experience  being the alumnae of Indonesia – Canada Youth Exchange Program (ICYEP) 2012/2013. His project during the Exchange program was focus on creating small bussines for the local youth and women’s group. The bussines that he initiated it’s about Potato chips processing. He said he is feeling so glad because the bussines still sustain, they own their brand, creating various products from potatoes, and the important things the poject helping the local youth and mother’s group get more income. He is curently work as Executive Director at Sahabat Pulau, a youth-led, community-based, non-profit organization.

Irma Rahayuna
Research and Development of Artpreneur and Designer.

Irma Rahayuna was born in Garut, 7 april 1993. He is the first born from 3 childerns in his family. Since he was a kid he like to explore and join organizations such as Student executive board, village Youth organization and scouting.
Right now he is busy doing his last year study in ITB majoring Aeronotics & Astronautics department. He is an active student in his university. He worked as achief of monetary division in an Campus Organization. His passions are Aerospace engineering , Business, Graphic design & also cooking.  Currently he is active as Design Coordinator of Sahabat Pulau Indonesia and Coordinator of art and design of Desa-preneur.

Anisa Nur Ropika
Research and Development of Agriculture

Anisa Nur Ropika, a little girl that come from a small village in small city, named Magetan, East Java. She was born on 07 May 1995. She just graduated from SMAN 10 Malang(Sampoerna Academy) , 150 the best student in East Java who became a winner shoolarship recipients by Putera Sampoerna Foundation ( PSF ) . Live ib boarding school succesfully create volunteerism become her soul. She ever being Head of Communit Service in her school. She love community service , helping and contributing her love for others. Truly falling in lovewith children's spirit.She also being the best student in Youh Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) . A cheerful and active girl who running with leadership soul showed by joining some organization like Student Council , Green Earth Community (GEC) , Forum Pelajar Peduli Indonesia (FPPI) ,  PMR (Palang Merah Remaja) and fully active on handling some event or project. Love art deeply, showed by her hobby making some handmade from rubbish and other recycle things. A traditional dancer and theater artist. She believe that the power of women will give huge impact for towards Indonesia better. 'If great can be done then good isn't enough' that's a little girl motto .

Zainun Najib
Marketing & Public Relations

Zainun Najib was born in Purworejo 11 may 1992, is an optimist student who study in Universitas Indonesia majoring Communication Science. He was one of Canada World Youth participant batch 2013/2014. He was really active in organization since he was really young. In his University life he enrolled in Student Board of Universitas Indonesia , Student executive board of FISIP Universitas Indonesia, Art Organization known as Vocademia Universitas Indonesia, vocal group of Universitas Indonesia , Flag foot ball Universitas Indonesia, and FISIP Basketball Club of Universitas Indonesia.
He has remarkable talent in sport and art while his academic is also out standing proved by granted some scholarship from DIKTI & Universitas Indonesia. Now he currently enrolled id IDsahabat pulau an organization that move in youth empowerment by educating the community all across Indonesia, He’s also initiating Pemuda Bergerak an youth organization that working on youth empowerment in his region,Purworejo.

Expertise :

Ziaul Haq Nawawi, graduated from University of Hasanudin, South Sulawesi, majoring Technology of Fishery. For last 5 years, his project running in all around Islands in Indonesia. He working with the community and create the alternative income for them. Community development base on local potential resources is the best way to achieve a goal to increase a capital for the family. His expertise brought him to be a well known instructor in national wide of Indonesia.

Meta Nur Maftuhah, Magister Development Studies at  Bandung Institute of Technology and Bachelor degree of Food Technology at Padjajaran University. During 18 years in her experience working with the national and multinational company as a consultant, trainer, program manager, and director for entrepreneur and CSR specialist.  Her career starting from her young age until now and dedicated from rural community. Attending many training, course local and International level always being her booster to support rural community to the global market opportunity.

Devi Indriawati, Bachelor degree of Forest Management at University of Tanjung Pura, Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Even though nowadays, she is working as a National Expert Staff for Senator of West Kalimantan, her passion to be a real volunteer always on the top. Alumni Youth Exchange Program Indonesia – Canada 1999-2000 collaboration with Canada World Youth always doing community development. Education and volunteering always be her expertise. Achieve national and international Volunteering Service, training and license, makes her always love to share with young people in all around Indonesia as a mentor, speaker and motivator in every Youth Volunteer Camps. Almost 12 years working with any kind of level community makes her adrenalin always keep it up.

Fachry Singka, Bachelor degree of International Relationship at University of Haluhulae, West Sulawesi. His career starting in International Red Cross Federation. Conflict countries in Middle East, untill national and International natural disasster already his hand. Almost 18 years working in local and international NGO makes his passion sharp in community development. Nowadays he his CSR & Communication Manager for CHEVRON. In free time, his constribution for Sahabat Pulau is superb. Alumni participant and Project Supervisor in Canada World Youth 1998-1999 and 2002-2003 always keep in touch with rural community.

Rita Meilinawaty, Bachelor degree of Broadcast & TV Production in French & Indonesia International College. Starting to be an announcer in FM Radio and end up in Executive Producer in national broadcast Indosiar almost 15 years. For last 5 years she is a professional TV Producer for International Television such as Fashion TV International. Her passion in media and specialist in exploration Indonesia Heritage Textile demand her to research and explore in indigenes people all around Indonesia. Volunteering, training and mentoring make her intense to be a part of community development. Natural resources of Indonesia always too sexy to be waste. Sahabat Pulau her baby to be local content to global market in fashion industries. She is also alumni participant & Project Supervisor Canada World Youth Program 1994-1995 and 1999-2000.